Comprei este bronzeador da Lancaster no ano passado e durou-me aproximadamente um ano (talvez um pouco mais e tudo). Isto é incrível porque eu, nessa altura, usava este produto 5 vezes por semana sem falta! Gostei muito deste bronzeador porque, embora no centro tenha brilho, o resultado final é mate porque o brilho é muito subtil. O bronzeador chama-se Matt and shine sun powder e a minha tonalidade é a 201. A embalagem é extremamente sólida , bonita e ,fechada, parece que imita o sol no centro.
I bought this bronzing powder from Lancaster a year ago and it lasted me about a year (maybe a little more than that). This is amazing because at that time I used this product five times a week every week. I really enjoyed this bronzer because, although the center has shimmer, the end result is matte because the shimmer is very subtle. The bronzer is called Matt and shine sun powder and my shade is 201. The packaging is extremely strong, beautiful, and when closed, it seems to mimic the sun in the center.
Comprei este bronzeador numa emergência (precisava dele naquele dia) e a loja não tinha marcas que eu conhecesse. Acabei por levar o bronzeador da Lancaster e desembolsei 20 euros. Adorei e já comprei uma segunda embalagem ( o preço aumentou poucos euros entretanto)!
Quando olhei para a embalagem vazia não a consegui deitar fora. E por outro lado, tinha um batom da Rimmel que odiava. Juntei o útil ao agradável e transformei o batom em blush!
I bought this bronzer in an emergency (needed it that day) and I didn't know the brands at that store. I ended up taking the bronzer of Lancaster and that costed 20 euros. I loved it and already bought a second pack (the price increased a few euros though)!
When I looked at the empty package I could not throw it away. And on the otherhand, I had a Rimmel lipstick that I hated. I combined business with pleasure and turned lipstick into blush!
Ignorem o "6". Só depois de destruir o batom é que me lembrei que não tinha foto dele... Ignore te "6"I didn't have a foto of the lipstick before destroying it |
Embalagem limpa/ Clean packaging |
Transformar Batom em Blush:
Turning Lipstick into Blush
Turning Lipstick into Blush
1. Depois de limpar a embalagem deitar o batom inteiro. After cleaning the packaging pour the intire lipstick in it |
2. Colocar a embalagem numa taça em que caiba sem se mexer e colocar ambos dentro de uma panela./ Put the packaging in a bowl that fits e put them both in a pan |
3. Adicionar água a ferver na parte de FORA da taça (tradicional "banho maria")/ Add boiling water to the outside of the bowl |
4. Ter a certeza que o batom derrete de forma uniforme pela embalagem. /Make sure the lipstick melts evenly throughout the pagkaging. |
5. Inserir no frigorífico por algum tempo (até ficar sólido)./ Let it in the fridge until it get solid |
6. Usar à vontade :)/ Use at will :) |
Que acham?/ What do you think?
have you tried using it? how does it feel? Sticky or not. I might just turn this lippie i hate so mcuh in my stash haha
ResponderEliminarHy Jel!
ResponderEliminarYes I have tried it at least five times. It doesn't feel sticky at all if you apply it directly after applying the foundation. If you apply it on dry skin it will look horrible and won't slide at all!
It depends if the lipstick is creamy or not so much. Mine isn't creamy enough to apply with my fingers so I apply it with a buffing brush and it looks so natural and fresh on my cheeks!
It doesn't remove the smell the lipstick originally has though (shame) but I really like my blusher :)
Thank you so much for the comment! I wasn't sure google translator was any good... If you have any trouble with the text tell me :)